RIP Marmite

The gentlest, most affectionate and playful lap-pooch has left the building. RIP Marmite 18/6/08-9/11/23. You’re going to be missed very much.


Covid Teaching – A Late Reflection

As the memory of Covid lockdown starts to fade, I’ve rediscovered a draft I’d started on moving lectures online so thought I should revisit it and get it finished before I’ve completely forgotten. Who knows, perhaps I’ll need to refer to this post in the future if we, heaven forbid, get another one! I’ll concentrate the example on one of…


Good and Bad at Games – my one and only film credit

OK, not entirely true, as an extra I don’t appear on the credits (I don’t think), unfortunately there is no way I have discovered to actually get hold of a copy of this Channel 4 movie from 1983 to check. The filming was taking place at some mansion nearby to my old school (Dr Challoners Grammar School), and with early…


UFO Phenomenon Deluxe Edition 2019

Originally released in 1974 through Chrysalis, the album Phenomenon was a watershed moment in the trajectory of fledgling English band UFO and tracks such as Doctor Doctor and Rock Bottom are still a much loved staple of the live setlist even now, 45 years later, of both UFO and Michael Schenker Fest. The album signified a move away from the…
