A few years ago I dug out my old Sinclair Spectrum 48K from the loft where it had sat dormant for probably the best part of 30 years, and to my astonishment it booted up first time and even allowed me to feed in a couple of games from tape using my trusty WHSmith Data Recorder! Photos below are the…
As an advocate of new teaching and learning innovations, I still find myself falling back on the traditional chalk and talk for my own lecturing as well as having to defend the use of such an archaic practice to the powers that be within my institution. Indeed, after a couple of years running Bifurcations, Catastrophes and Symmetry I felt myself…
Don’t often go to music festivals anymore, the idea of tents, and rain, and portaloos never did appeal, and as I’ve gotten older I appreciate the comforts even more! But when there’s a festival at a time I could take a few days off, it was held in an indoor venue, I was staying in a hotel (which was also…
Catching up on half finished posts! Never been to the Crauford Arms in Milton Keynes before, once you manage to find the main pub is then a bit of a maze to get to the large room sitting behind, but once in it’s a nice little intimate venue, sound was great and crowd right up to the stage. Took a…