Uli Jon Roth at the Robin 2 1/6/15

ulirobinlarge This week Uli Jon Roth embarked on a mini tour of England as part of a wider tour to promote his latest album, “Scorpions Revisited“, with an appearance at the Robin 2 in Bilston. Rather than a full blown review, I just wanted to  share some photos I took on my phone that actually came out surprisingly well (mostly due to good lighting and a lack of dry ice than my skill as a photographer). As expected the set was up to the usual high standards expected, from both Uli and the rest of the band. A good night all round.


Mathematician at the University of Warwick in the UK with research interests in equivariant bifurcation theory and applications, especially in modelling of insect locomotion. Teaching interests include online learning and innovative teaching methods. Also in a past life has been involved in summer school courses, and online material, for Gifted and Talented. He has been active on the Internet since 1995, initially though his UFO and Michael Schenker website, but now through a multitude of projects.

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