The Spectrum
A few years ago I dug out my old Sinclair Spectrum 48K from the loft where it had sat dormant for probably the best part of 30 years, and to...
Walk On Water (nearly) 30 Years On
Is it really nearly 30 years since this long-awaited “classic reunion” album was released? In hindsight it was already the beginning of the end (again), but what a glorious return...
Fourmile Castle
Fourmile Castle, a Second Life project which used to be found at this SLURL. I’ve had an avatar in Second Life since January 2007 after being introduced to the educational...
GR86 – First Impressions
I’ve been a happy owner of GT86s for the past 10 years, but despite being a great car it has always had a few niggling problems from the first generation...
Uli Jon Roth Midsummer Night Concerto – Llansilin 21st June 2019
Midsummer Night, 21st June, in a small village in Powys, Wales a select audience was treated to a wonderful evening of music from the “Master of the Sky Guitar”, the...
Mathematical Musings and Other Distractions
Dave is a mathematician at the University of Warwick, and this is his personal blog highlighting some of his many interests including professional (maths research, teaching and learning), hobbies (primarily music, maps and random anecdotes) and a spattering of insect related topics bridging the two. To contact him please follow the links above.
Anything under 30 has to be good! 🙂 You Are 28 Years Old 28 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view – and you look at the world with awe. 13–19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20–29:…
Writing about Revision break? from El Meu Blog With (nearly) two Russian daughters and Russian wife not really a big surprise.. although I do quite like being “mysterious and exotic”… thank God it didn’t think I had some French hiding somewhere in me! :p Your Inner European is Russian! Mysterious and exotic. You’ve got a great balance of danger…
…you can always pick up an e-degree from the University of Bums on Seats
Can’t remember where these came from, but there was a whole list of ‘Only in such and such a country’ and I saved these as the highlights. Only in Australia: Only in America: