This looks like a good waste of time……

Writing about The film quiz! from A petrosexual’s tuppence OK.. getting bored with marking assessments (you students think doing exams is bad!) so thought I’d do one of these “slightly more interesting than watching paint dry” things……. Last film I saw at the cinema ‘Turetski Gambit’.. in a cinema in Russia… unfortunately all in Russian, but if you get a…


Windows XP = Windows eXtremely Painful

OK… not the way I wanted to write my first ever Blog.. but Windows bloody XP…. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! ‘Windows restore is a totally reversible process’ it tells you, as you try to roll back your settings to a couple of weeks ago to see if it fixes a problem (a problem with Windows incidentally). So I go back to setting from…
