The deed is done, most of my land holdings in Fourmile and Cavanaugh are now cleared and sold off, I’ve kept a quarter sim so that my SLideshow business still has a base (it seems to generate a number of sales every month on top of Marketplace so seems prudent to keep it for a while longer). I’ve even managed…
Due to a change in real life circumstances, there was a need to start downsizing my land holdings in Second Life a few years ago, and in particular the outskirts of Fourmile Castle, I recently discovered a cache of snapshots I took at the time so thought I should document them somewhere, a considerable amount of time and effort was…
When did Second Life viewer have shadows added as an option? Oh well… found the setting now and it looks cool! Perhaps it’s due to the fact that my previous graphics cards couldn’t handle it. Here’s a picture of the entrance to Fourmile Castle resplendent with shadows. Problem is what to do with my objects that have “fake” shadows while…
So, Linden Labs caught everyone by surprise and made the Beta 2.0 viewer the main release for new residents, despite there being numerous bugs that still need to be fixed. Pertinent to Ee’s SLideshow viewer are the new shared media facilities, or more precisely changes to parcel media.