I have finally got around to changing the theme on this site, after a couple of years struggling to maintain a theme that I really liked, but was no longer, unfortunately, support by the author. The theme I have had in place for at least 6 years or so was the Mystique Theme from Digitalnature, for many years one of…
This is a quick post that isn’t really designed to be read, but is to collect my thoughts about what jobs need to be done around my various web presences such as updating, tidying up, general procrastination as well as maybe other projects that have fallen by the wayside that need to be picked up again. Guess I’m going through a…
The main reason for the lack of updates on this Blog for most of the summer has been due to procrastination over whether or not to move my entire site, along with four other domains, to the cloud hosting service offered by my web-hosts Hostroute, who I’ve been with since 2001. Their homepage boasts the benefits (greater reliability, super-fast, multiple…
As part of the ongoing revamp of the site I decided I needed to get some matching business cards with the site details rather than my current work ones. I’d used Moo before when getting some mini cards to advertise the Warwick University Maths island in Second Life and was impressed with the quality (you used to be able to…