Website Maintenance

The main reason for the lack of updates on this Blog for most of the summer has been due to procrastination over whether or not to move my entire site, along with four other domains, to the cloud hosting service offered by my web-hosts Hostroute, who I’ve been with since 2001. Their homepage boasts the benefits (greater reliability, super-fast, multiple…


A Tale of Hotlinking

For the uninitiated, “hotlinking” (also known as inline linking) is where you embed an image in a web page, but instead of that image being on the same server, the page links to an image elsewhere on the web and downloads it from there each time. Great you might think, I don’t have to worry about storing the image on…


URL Shortener Installed

Spent a frustrating couple of hours yesterday installing YOURLS onto my website, although the end result was actually quite satisfying. YOURLS is a PHP based URL shortener (along the lines of and tinyurl) that can be installed on any webserver running PHP. The installation itself should be straightforward, but I was using Softaculous (provided on my webhost, which is…


Website Compression

I’ve been getting a bit frustrated with the performance of this Blog for a while, so finally decided to do something about it and using Google webmaster tools it was suggested to enable compression. This seemed a bit odd because I assumed that this was probably already being done, either as a default for my server or because it would…
