As an advocate of new teaching and learning innovations, I still find myself falling back on the traditional chalk and talk for my own lecturing as well as having to defend the use of such an archaic practice to the powers that be within my institution. Indeed, after a couple of years running Bifurcations, Catastrophes and Symmetry I felt myself…
A quick series of comments, not designed to be a throrough summary of my experiences but more to reflect on the event. From the 15th to the 28th August 2010 the IGGY Summer U was held in Gaborone, Botswana, hosted by BACS (Botswana Accountancy College), and once again I was fortunate enough to be running a Mathematics course, a revised…
So, Linden Labs caught everyone by surprise and made the Beta 2.0 viewer the main release for new residents, despite there being numerous bugs that still need to be fixed. Pertinent to Ee’s SLideshow viewer are the new shared media facilities, or more precisely changes to parcel media.
It has long been a problem that one of the biggest obstacles to doing mathematics in Second Life was the inability to write equations. Of course, there is a counter argument that this forces you to be more imaginative in finding ways to get the same ideas across and there is a huge amount to say about the benefits of…