A few years ago I dug out my old Sinclair Spectrum 48K from the loft where it had sat dormant for probably the best part of 30 years, and to my astonishment it booted up first time and even allowed me to feed in a couple of games from tape using my trusty WHSmith Data Recorder! Photos below are the…
Traded my old Asus Eee PC in for a Nexus 7 a few weeks ago, the Eee is still a great little laptop, but becoming rather dated: would take 10 minutes to boot up Windows and then the battery life was only about 3 hours or so. Been putting off getting a tablet until there was one that did everything…
Since my “recent” post on the Meerkat Viewer and it’s plus points for use on netbooks I have come across a version of Boy Lane’s excellent Rainbow Viewer optimised for use on Netbooks. This has recently been updated to comply with the official viewer’s forced upgrade (currently version 1.2). It requires an official SL viewer in version as a…
Just discovered the Meerkat Second Life viewer brought to us by the Open Metaverse Foundation, another open source viewer but it has some nice features and layout for the standard viewer features. The reason I like it so much is that it runs very smoothly on my Eee PC, and crucially you can change the draw distance by a simple…