I’ve been getting a bit frustrated with the performance of this Blog for a while, so finally decided to do something about it and using Google webmaster tools it was suggested to enable compression. This seemed a bit odd because I assumed that this was probably already being done, either as a default for my server or because it would seem a sensible thing for WordPress installations to do. Anyhow, a quick search came up with an excellent page at betterexplained.com a site I hadn’t come across before, but I think I will make more use of it in the future. As well as a simple run through of how to set it up, there’s also a clear explanation of what is happening and why the fix makes a difference. Since this site runs on an Apache server all I needed to do was cut and paste a few lines into the .htaccess file for the directory and I was done… the improvement was immediate, and hopefully makes reading this blog a quicker process than before.
Given this post is now very old, have had a more up to date site recommended to me at: https://www.websiteplanet.com/webtools/gzip-compression/ (added 26/5/19).